Dirty Letters by Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland | BOOK REVIEW

Hello! Welcome back for another blog post!

Image result for dirty letters vi keeland cover modelToday we will be talking about the newest release from Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland, Dirty Letters, which just came out 3 days ago! (November 5) Happy Release week! I can’t believe I’ve got to read it so early!

I’m actually reading another book when the thought just came in that I should read it ASAP, I never regretted making that decision. This book didn’t let me down!

Dirty Letters centers around Luca Ryan and Griffin Quinn, pen-pals which have been trading letters with each other since they’ve been paired up by their teachers at seven. Both of them made a deep and special connection through this, nobody knew the real names of each other, and what they looked like. Until something happened to both of their lives which made them stop trading letters with each other. Now, the both of them are living their lives separately until one day. Griffin sent out a letter, more like a rant to Luca, and that’s where their relationship started to have its spark again.

            Based from reading the blurb, this book does have some similarities with Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas, but don’t get me wrong! Even if they have the same concept of mystery pen-pals, they both offer a different flavor to it! If you haven’t read that book here’s the link for my book review: Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas | BOOK REVIEW

This book review is non-spoilery so don’t worry if haven’t read the book~


Here’s the Book Description from Goodreads:

I’d never forgotten him—a man I’d yet to meet.

Griffin Quinn was my childhood pen pal, the British boy who couldn’t have been more different from me. Over the years, through hundreds of letters, we became best friends, sharing our deepest, darkest secrets and forming a connection I never thought could break.

Until one day it did.

Then, out of the blue, a new letter arrived. A scathing one—one with eight years of pent-up anger. I had no choice but to finally come clean as to why I stopped writing.

Griffin forgave me, and somehow we were able to rekindle our childhood connection. Only now we were adults, and that connection had grown to a spark. Our letters quickly went from fun to flirty to downright dirty, revealing our wildest fantasies. So it only made sense that we would take our relationship to the next level and see each other in person.

Only Griff didn’t want to meet. He asked that I trust him and said it was for the best. But I wanted more—more Griff, in the flesh—so I took a big chance and went looking for him. People have done crazier things for love.

But what I found could change everything.




Yes, you heard it right. AGORAPHOBIA, inside a Penelope Ward and Vi Keeland book. I really don’t have any idea that this book will circle around a protagonist struggling with agoraphobia. Luca, the female protagonist in this book suffers with agoraphobia, which is a mental illness related with the fear of being open to public places. As a person who suffers with social with social anxiety, I’m really intrigued as to how they will execute this. I was curious how they’ll incorporate the concept of love with mental illness, WITHOUT romanticizing it. I can say they’ve done it pretty well; the scenes are not over-exaggerated, the feeling is well represented and not triggering. I’m glad they’ve come up with this concept for this book, it’s relatable and inspiring at the same time.


There’s a good amount of bird content in this book. I love how they incorporated different kinds of birds and related it figuratively in the story. Doc, the therapist who accompanies Luca throughout the whole book has a huge liking towards birds. I love their chemistry together, not just a doctor-patient, but also as father-daughter. I wouldn’t talk much specific towards the ‘pig’ part, but pigs is literally one of the integral part of this book. Y’all should just read it LOL.


There’s literally MORE to this book than just dirty letters and all, if you think you already know the book just by reading the description then you’re definitely in for a roller coaster ride. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll swoon the hell out of you! I’ve read this book in just a day, it’s really that BOOK. In addition, I’m so happy this book dug me out of my reading slump! It’s easy to read, you’ll finish it easily.


Just like what I said above, this book doesn’t romanticize mental illnesses. I actually have a full list of books that I avoid reading because most of them circles around mental illnesses and romanticizing them. It’s a huge turn off, mental illness is a serious matter and shouldn’t be mistaken for something shallow. This book is not anything like those, the feelings felt so raw and pure. Throughout the whole book you’ll see the struggle of living with agoraphobia, I like how they made it so realistic. People with such take weeks, months or even years to fully recover, especially if it’s from a traumatic experience. This book is about a girl struggling, and her journey in recovery and finally letting everything go, acceptance. The pacing is not that fast, it’s perfectly crafted. This book shouts the idea of hope.


Every book I’ve read from Penelope Ward and Vi Keeland was never a let done, they write so well individually and produces magic when they come together! If you’re thinking about reading books from either of them, you can start with almost anything! They never disappoint and each new release is an improvement!

      Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book! If you’re looking for a hot and steamy romance read which also incorporates a very realistic concept. This book also has the popular guy trope, if you have a liking for books like that then this book is for you! Grab this book now! Rated it 5/5 stars!


Thanks for dropping by! Have you read Dirty Letters by Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland? What are your thoughts about it?

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See you on the next blog post~

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